Our impact

Such a credit to you for turning this tragedy into a positive message for others.
It prompted a conversation in our house, so you already had an impact.”
Since SmackTalk was launched in April 2024, Wayne has presented to 82 organisations – with another 35 talks already lined up.
He’s spoken to more than 10,000 people and of those, many have come to him either afterwards or sent a message or emailed to say that either they need help, or they’ve got a family member that does. Wayne has been able to support them to get the help they needed.
The one that sticks most in Wayne’s mind is of a 15-year-old boy who snuck into his presentation (that is designed for people 17 and older) with his parents.
The boy called him later that afternoon. He sounded young and said his parents wanted him to go to Wayne’s presentation with them. After establishing that the boy’s mother was on speaker with him, Wayne asked how he could help.
The boy said, ‘I was on a bridge last night and I’m not in a good way’.
Wayne told the boy and his mother to stay where they were and immediately drove back to the area where he’d done the presentation.
He rang Lifeline with them, staying for the call. The teen was able to get help immediately and has continued to have counselling. He calls Wayne most evenings to let him know how he is going.
Wayne is quick to point out that he doesn’t provide counselling, but in this case, he is a friendly voice and support.
This is the sort of case that tells him that SmackTalk works.

Such a credit a credit to you for turning this tragedy into a positive message for others.
It prompted a conversation in our house, so you already had an impact.”